Let the FUN begin – you have a “rock solid” STRATEGY, kicked it into ACTION through your EXECUTION PLAN and are now ready to engage the world. Ongoing COACHING and MENTORING is what keeps organizations “on track” with what they want to accomplish and allows them to achieve both the short and long-term RESULTS.
Now that you are taking Action, this is your greatest opportunity to SHINE and avoid embarrassing you and your organization.
In a Revolution that’s happening as fast as Social Media, the closer you can stick to your plan the “faster” you will see the “results.” This also “lays the foundation” for long-term benefits using such powerful “tools” as Social Media. Don’t mess it up now…
We provide Coaching and Mentoring for just these reasons – fast start, solid results, long-term benefits and no embarrassment.
We believe an ongoing relationship with us will help you stay ahead of your competition and give you the results you are looking for from Social Media. Remember, this is STRATEGIC – not just a bunch of free tools your Gen-X and Gen-Y employees use. This is your organizations new way of communicating into the future – it’s here to stay.
Our focus on Coaching and Mentoring is to give you enough so you don’t need us any longer – or at least only periodically for a “tune up” of your Strategy and Plan. We offer a wide range of support in this area, some of which include:
- Writing and communicating in “Social Media Speak”
- What content is the “right” content
- Building “followers”
- Writing blog post drafts for sample content
- How to use your blog most effectively
- Linking all the “tools” to get maximum benefit from each
- Creating the “dialog” of Social Media – not just the content
The fees for Coaching and Mentoring, as you can imagine, vary depending on the time we need to spend with you and your organization. We do this on a monthly basis, with a three-month minimum commitment to ensure you have the right process and rhythm in place. Fees generally range from $500 – $6,000 per month.
As we continue to say, Social Media ISN’T a “quick fix” solution – it is simply a much more effective and efficient way to communicate. Social Media is simply “faster, deeper and cheaper” than any form of traditional communications.
If you do it right from the start with a “rock solid” plan, you will establish yourself as a leader. We also believe that it has to be “done right” if you are going to see results. At the end of the day, we are focused on how it increased our sales, built greater awareness (reach) in the market and built stronger loyalty to our organization. After all, we are “business guys” that don’t use Social Media because it’s “cool” – we use it because it makes a difference in your organization and improves whatever you are about – end of story.
We can’t emphasize enough the importance of SPEED to market in Social Media. The one willing to “lead” gets there first and starts to build the relationship with their “followers” wins and establishes the “leading edge” reputation so coveted by others.
If you’re ready to take ACTION, here is how you can contact us for more information. Just be prepared – we move fast.
PHONE: 425/260.6264
e-mail: blaine@WOM10.com