After developing a solid STRATEGY, we create a customized EXECUTION PLAN designed specifically for your organization – this puts the strategy into ACTION. This is what leads to RESULTS.
We believe Strategy without Action isn’t worth the time spent on planning.
Our focus is to take the Strategy that was developed and turn it into specific Actions that can be executed quickly as well as over time. What Social Media ISN’T is a “quick fix” solution – it is simply a much more effective and efficient way to communicate. Social Media is simply “faster, deeper and cheaper” than any form of traditional communications.
We also believe that it has to be “done right” if you are going to see results. At the end of the day, we are focused on how it increased our sales, built greater awareness (reach) in the market and built stronger loyalty to our organization. After all, we are “business guys” that don’t use Social Media because it’s “cool” – we use it because it makes a difference in your organization and improves whatever you are about – end of story.
Some of the things we accomplish in the Execution stage are as follows:
- Roles and Responsibilities
- What “Tools” of Social Media best work for your organization
- Timing – how and when are the different “Tools” deployed
- What Results do we want and how do we measure
- Develop a Content Map™ so you know what to say
- How to engage in the “dialog” of Social Media
As you can see, there is a lot that gets done in this session. For most companies, this involves only a HALF-DAY of dedicated time from the top officers in the organization. That’s it – focused and on task to get what you planned into action. To the point and on target.
We can’t emphasize enough the importance of SPEED to market in Social Media. The one willing to “lead” gets there first and starts to build the relationship with their “followers” wins and establishes the “leading edge” reputation so coveted by others.
If you’re ready to take ACTION, here is how you can contact us for more information. Just be prepared – we move fast.
PHONE: 425/260.6264