February 5, 2019

Sorry for the morbid title, but it’s the only way I can hopefully get you focused on what might be happening in your business today when it comes to your customers. Customer Loyalty is at an all-time low…customers are switching companies faster than they change their underwear it seems. But it doesn’t have to be

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Death by Mediocrity

February 4, 2019

Customer Obsessed companies keep the promises they make to their customers…its part of their culture and DNA. But what happens when they don’t keep their promises? It can cost them a lot more than money and can often times be hard to repair. It always leaves a stain. A few weeks ago I ordered a

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When you don’t keep your promises it costs you more than money…Amazon

February 1, 2019

I would offer that most of us make things too complicated. We take something simple and for a variety of reasons we make it more complex. Complex to a point where it almost becomes unusable. This doesn’t (shouldn’t) happen if we step back and look at what we are really trying to accomplish. Start by

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When Did We Stop Using “Common Sense”…One of our Most Powerful Weapons to Differentiate Our Business and Dominate the Competition

January 7, 2019

Every company on the planet gets complaints or has customer issues that need to be resolved…its part of doing business. While we all try to avoid them from happening, they still happen. And it’s OK. What’s not OK is how these issues are getting resolved…or more specifically, WHEN they get resolved. Unless you live in

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SPEED WINS…especially with Customers

May 11, 2018

Last Thursday night I had the honor of being on a panel for Cantillon to discuss Customer Obsession. The entire evening was electric…from the initial “happy hour” where people mingled and had some awesome food and drinks to after the speaking portion where everyone got to hang out and ask more questions! It was an

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An Evening with Cantillon…some Follow-up Answers and Insights

April 7, 2018

I called into the call center at Sprint a few months back to get some information about purchasing the new iPhone X. After navigating through a myriad of selections I got to the right person (I think I pressed 2 – 2 – 4 – 6 and some other numbers to get there…not good). I

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It’s NOT their (your employees) Fault…