October 19, 2016

There probably isn’t a business owner or top executive on the planet who hasn’t heard (and believes) it is always easier to “keep a customer” that to “acquire a new one.” Since this is such common knowledge, why is it most companies (almost 80% according to Forbes research) don’t focus on RETENTION? I find it

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5 Steps to Leap ahead of your Competitors…Focus on RETENTION with ACTION

October 14, 2016

It’s so easy to say something through an advertisement, or a campaign, or an e-mail, or social media, or any other form of communication today…easier than any time in our history. The problem is “backing up” and acting in a way that demonstrates what you are saying in this communication. You see, the problem is

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Don’t SAY what you Can’t “Consistently” DELIVER…

October 12, 2016

If you have even one competitor your customer has a choice. And whenever a customer has a choice you have to find a way to be different. If the customer doesn’t perceive you as different, they will choose based on commodity elements such as price, delivery, terms, etc. Creating this differentiation in the mind of

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The NEW “Puppeteer” in Today’s Economy…

October 5, 2016

When organizations decide to improve their customer experience, they are usually losing more customers, feeling the threat of competition (usually because they are in a commodity position), wanting to expand their customer base, move into new markets, or possibly some other reason. Unfortunately, their first instinct is to throw some TACTICS at the solution…trying to

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Not so Fast…The Cart doesn’t go in front of the Horse

October 4, 2016

Everyone talks about “walking in your customers’ shoes” to see what the experience is we deliver to our customers. This is always a good idea…but there are other ways to see whether your experience measures up. The key with delivering a remarkable and memorable customer experience is to make it consistent and repeatable by ALL

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5 “Creative” Ways to Evaluate the Customer Experience of your Business

September 26, 2016

Being well entrenched in the Digital/Internet Revolution we are in today, one thing has become more important and paramount than ever before in history…TRUST. The other name for this period of time we are in is “The Customer Revolution”…and for the same reasons. If your customers don’t trust you, you are at high risk of

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Want to Build more TRUST…Build a better JOURNEY