August 19, 2016

There is so much talk today about “INFLUENCERS” and how companies need to build up an army of these people to help promote their brand. Is it real or the right thing to do? Should you invest money into this strategy and marketing tactic? Allow me to offer maybe a different perspective for you to

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INFLUENCERS or ADVOCATES…Where Should You Invest?

August 17, 2016

According to a research conducted by McKinsey and Company, 25% of customers will defect (leave) after just one bad experience. That simply means if your company delivers a bad experience, you are at risk of one-fourth of them LEAVING! Most businesses are not designed on fat enough margins to sustain this kind of a hit…yet

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Could you Survive if 25% of your Customers left TOMORROW?

August 15, 2016

When I get an e-mail, request, invitation, social media inquiry, or a host of other things, what causes me to simply hit the DELETE key rather than reading on? There are THREE MAIN REASONS I find in talking to most people as well as my own actions…I think you will be able to relate to

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3 Reasons Why I hit DELETE instead of READING ON

August 12, 2016

It’s a given today that Social Media doesn’t work for many companies. Upon further analysis, it rarely has nothing to do with Social Media…it has to do with marketing and using it as if you were still living in the Industrial Revolution. Around the turn of the Century we left the Industrial Revolution behind us…some

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Social Media doesn’t work in the Industrial Revolution

August 10, 2016

I am constantly reminded of this throughout many of my conversations with leaders, business owners, and CEOs of companies. When we talk about “where they allocate their funds” and “where they have employees spend their time” it becomes very clear what they value most in their company. And it works just as well from a

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TIME and MONEY always follow WHAT YOU VALUE most

August 8, 2016

Everyone wants to be a little better (and different) than their competitors…maybe a lot better…and the battle is getting more and more fierce every day. The Business Owners and CEOs I talk with tell me this is one of the top “initiatives” they constantly have going on…how they can be better than their competition. Unfortunately,

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Think 180…your Business will STAND OUT…like Hotel Drisco