July 28, 2016

There are very few business leaders I talk with that don’t tell me they either think they are Customer Centric or that they want to try and be more Customer Centric. With all this interest in it from the outside, why aren’t more doing this today? There are three primary reasons I see that keep

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Why isn’t EVERY Company Customer Centric or OBSESSED…3 Reasons

July 26, 2016

There are very few business leaders I talk with that don’t tell me they either think they are Customer Centric or that they want to try and be more Customer Centric. With all this interest in it from the outside, why aren’t more doing this today? There are three primary reasons I see that keep

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Why isn’t EVERY Company Customer Centric or OBSESSED…3 Reasons

July 25, 2016

Raising your blood pressure is not generally viewed as a good thing…but there is one area I know you will be happy to see it go up a bit…on a regular basis. It all depends on which side of the 20/5 rule you are sitting on… The 20/5 Rule is simple to understand and everyone

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Which Side of the 20/5 Rule is Your Company On?

July 22, 2016

Information is FREE…it’s available everywhere…there is a massive amount of it on every topic in the world available at your fingertips. So why do you need me…or why do I need you? Much of the business world today still doesn’t really believe the above statements…even though they say they do…they don’t. If they truly believed

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There’s NOTHING you can’t get…EXCEPT ME

July 20, 2016

You almost can’t read anything today that isn’t talking about something relating to CUSTOMERS these days…it is popping up everywhere. There is no question about the truly heightened awareness and buzz over this topic and the impact improving your customer experience or service can have on your bottom line. Why so much attention and buzz

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What CHANGED…Why is there so much “Buzz” over Customers Today?

July 19, 2016

Language is critically important when ANY EMPLOYEE interacts with your customer…if the customer doesn’t understand it, they leave. And they don’t tell anyone else about you…at least nothing positive. The LANGUAGE I am talking about is your “customer language”…what they hear you saying and what they interpret your words to mean to them. When I

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What “Language” Do You Use When Speaking to your CUSTOMERS?