July 7, 2016

The era of marketing and selling FEATURES is dead. Since leaving the Industrial Revolution behind and welcoming in the Internet Revolution, “features” have become a COMMODITY. We don’t need you to give me the features any longer…I can find them out on my own. And even BENEFITS are not cutting it as much any longer.

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Customers Buy How you MAKE THEM FEEL

July 6, 2016

Yesterday I talked in depth about CUSTOMER CENTRICITY and how important it is for companies today…especially in the highly commoditized world we live in today. And while Customer Centricity is a critical to your success in the future, there is a “higher level” I would like to take you to…CUSTOMER OBSESSION. Customer Obsession is above

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Customer OBSESSION is NOT the same as Customer CENTRICITY…Part Two

July 5, 2016

If you have followed me for any length of time, read what I write about, or heard me speak, you already know how passionate I am about OBSESSING OVER YOUR CUSTOMERS and how this is at the core of creating a REMARKABLE company. But what you might also have seen is that I talk about

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Customer OBSESSION is NOT the same as Customer CENTRICITY…Part One

July 2, 2016

During my travels, speaking to business leaders, and in my speeches I often ask which industries they feel does a great job at delivering a memorable and awesome experience and which ones really suck at it. Some time I can share a longer list with you but for now, one of those that usually makes

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Banks putting “The Customer First”…WHAT???

July 1, 2016

From the beginning of the Internet Revolution and the tidal wave of Social Media, one thing everyone wants to talk about is NUMBERS. How many followers, connections, hits on your website, page views, e-mail marketing list subscribers, and a host of other metrics…all designed to tell you what a great job you are doing reaching

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Forget the “Numbers”…they’re Misleading You

June 30, 2016

Everyone has sat around a campfire at one time or another in their life…most of us I would venture to say still do it regularly as a social event. When you think about what goes on around a campfire, you will understand just how critical it can be for your business. What happens around the

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The “CAMPFIRE” Strategy for Business Leaders