June 29, 2016

I talk about RISK a lot in speeches and Strategic Planning Workshops/Retreats…it is always a topic that warrants discussion. But one topic that always comes up when we talk about risk is how to minimize it…how to mitigate it. More often than not, most think the goal of Risk Management is to get risk down

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RISK Management isn’t about Mitigation…it’s about CHOICES

June 28, 2016

Customer RETENTION or Customer LOYALTY have once again become hot topics for most companies. Why? We have evolved from the days when television had only 3 channels to watch to a world where we can get anything and everything with the touch of a few buttons. We have choices…lots of them…and we want to explore

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Is CUSTOMER RETENTION the New Promised Land?

June 27, 2016

Demographics are so yesterday…they served us well in the Industrial Revolution era. But in the Internet Revolution where everyone on the planet has a microphone in their hand and can freely publish virtually anything they want and engage with anyone they want, it’s time to move into the world of Psychographics. I often find during

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Want Your Customers to Talk and Engage with You…think Psychographics

June 24, 2016

It’s time to change the way the arrow is pointing…away from YOU TO THEM…to THEM TO YOU. Definition…YOU is you and your company…THEM is the customer and your prospective audiences. When I think back on how my grandpa bought his cows for his farm, the arrow always pointed from THEM TO HIM…customers telling other potential

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Change the Direction of YOUR ARROW and Stand Alone in your Market

June 23, 2016

I deal in the world of helping Dreams come true…at least when it comes to reaching the state of differentiation and uniqueness. This is what helping companies move from “GREAT to REMARKABLE” is all about…leaving the average behind and achieving something truly remarkable. Unfortunately, as with most highly sought after prizes, it also comes with

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How to Successfully Push Through the “Valley of Despair” and Achieve the “DREAM”

June 22, 2016

Everyone wants to be unique, different, stand out in the crowd, and be viewed as being special among their competitors. This is the easy part. But what they end up doing, acting like, talking about, and delivering is just like everyone else…they are a commodity. This is the hard part…actually taking steps to stand out

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Leaders…You CAN’T be Both…pick ONE