June 21, 2016

Take yourself back 10 years…before Social Media was the mainstream for information. How did you get your information? I bet one of the ways was through a newspaper…remember the thing that got your fingers all black when you read it? That was a primary source of news and gave you updates on what was happening

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Think of your CUSTOMER like the NEWSPAPER

June 17, 2016

The key issue when it comes to any type of marketing is one word…TRUST. The more customers (and others) who completely trust you is worth gold…they become loyal and they become advocates and spread word-of-mouth about you. Both end up with lower cost of marketing and higher revenue per customer…a highly desired combination for any

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4 Levels of TRUST Companies have…Which one(s) do you have?

June 16, 2016

Everyone wants to have their own “Brand”…one their audience can easily identify with and differentiate them. They want an icon, a slogan, a product, or something else that immediately triggers their company when they see or hear this in the market. But is that really what carries the most impact to a customer? When there

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Time to Change your Thinking about “Brand”…think “Conversation”

June 15, 2016

Is there any better dashboard item or measurement of success than having your “desired” customers doing your marketing (and selling) for you? How much more successful would your business be if all your customers came in because your existing customers told them to buy from you? You might say this is impossible to achieve or

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Dear CEO/Business Owner…Is this on your Dashboard?

June 14, 2016

As the “Big Kahuna” in your organization, you are responsible for many things…the buck always stops at the top. Not just the Vision and Mission…but something more important…your Values and your Culture. These are the two primary components your CUSTOMERS see, feel, and experience every single day. If you’re the Owner or CEO or your

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Dear CEO/Business Owner…It’s a GAME CHANGER

June 13, 2016

You hear it all the time, “you should buy this product it’s really great and does what it is supposed to do.” And everyone gets excited and thinks you have a winner. And you might…for now. The problem with having the greatest product or service is that there is someone else out there close on

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Experience Trust vs. Product/Service Trust…the Tortoise and the Hare