April 27, 2016

With the advent of the Digital (or Internet or whatever you want to call it) Revolution we are now fully immersed in, people have become ravenous consumers of content (information, how-to’s, self-help, ways to improve my business, and a ton of other things). We. Can’t. Get. Enough! But we have also become very discretionary about

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The “Buffet Line” will Make or Break You Today

April 26, 2016

The long standing phrase we have all used more than once, “No pain, no gain,” is not a good idea when it comes to our businesses and our customers. Thinking there has to be pain before we see the gain should not be the case when we are talking about our customers. Unfortunately, most companies

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Do you really need to experience the PAIN to get the GAIN?

April 25, 2016

Let’s take a quick vote…raise your hand if you would be really happy if everything you did and experienced in life was AVERAGE? Of course you wouldn’t…it’s a silly question, right? We go through life expecting spectacular and exciting and incredible and awesome…we put up with the average but look forward to the remarkable. When

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Creating “Satisfied” Customers = Extinction

April 22, 2016

When someone decides they don’t like their initial experience or don’t like the experience they are getting from you any longer, they reach a VOTING POINT…a fork in the road where they “vote” as to stay or leave the relationship with your company. Just so you know…this is not good. This is not where you

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How often do your Customers “Vote”

April 21, 2016

I was in a meeting with a business owner the other day and she said, “We communicate with our customers on a regular basis through our social media networks but what frustrates me is that they aren’t responding to anything we talk about.” She’s not alone…this is, unfortunately, the situation with most organizations face today.

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Are you “Messaging” or “Communicating”…they aren’t the same

April 20, 2016

This is about Social Media…specifically about the use of the right channel for the right message…specifically focused on LinkedIn. If this isn’t of interest…no need to continue reading (just trying to help you save time if you don’t care). Everyone has been around long enough to understand (at least at a basic level) what the

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Let the Audience be the Police