January 5, 2016

Acting in an Authentic way and treating people authentically is an “action” you choose to take…it isn’t a result. The “result” of continuous Authenticity is Trust. Everyone wants the result…people to trust them…but not everyone is willing to commit to the day in and day out actions of authenticity required to get there. But is

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AUTHENTICITY…the Foundation for What we all Want

December 19, 2015

The Desired Result… Everyone on the planet doing any kind of business wants more Word-of-Mouth…that’s a given. I have never met anyone who ever told me they have enough and don’t want any more. The Problem… Most are not willing to invest the time and commitment to building the foundation that delivers the result…the foundation

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TRUST and WORD-of-MOUTH…they’re Inseparable

November 30, 2015

Blogging is dead…a phrase that has been going around for as long as I can remember since I started my business over 8 years ago…and it’s still going around. Lots of reasons people think blogging is dead…here are just a few… Takes too much time to read Little value in some of the “pimping” blogs

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Blogging “Reincarnated”

November 25, 2015

I get asked this question regularly…I believe this is the wrong question. The question that really needs to be answered is, “How valuable are you to your customers?“ If you aren’t that valuable, it doesn’t matter how often or frequent you communicate, they really don’t want to hear from you. Even e-mailing them even once

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How Often Should you Communicate with your Customers?

November 24, 2015

If you know me at all you know how passionate I am about helping organizations build a strategy that creates massive word-of-mouth and literally allows their customers to do the majority of marketing for them…it’s something I am incredibly passionate about…and it works unbelievably well when built correctly. While word-of-mouth is incredibly powerful, there are

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When Word-of-Mouth Isn’t a Good Thing

November 20, 2015

When over 65% of blogs fail in the first 6 months because they run out of content and passion, this says something about the practice of blogging. People are doing it for the wrong reasons. And with just about anything, when you do it for the wrong reasons, it usually blows up on you. Blogging

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How to SUCCEED at Blogging…One Word