October 12, 2015

Since I just wrote a post on the word “Mediocre” I thought I would take it one step further and talk about Metrics and Mediocrity. Mostly because I read a great post by Lisa Earle McLeod from Forbes called, “Why Metrics Drive Mediocrity.” But it also drives much more…some of which might not be so

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Metrics Drive Mediocrity…They Don’t Measure Everything

October 11, 2015

Customer Obsessed organizations have their own vocabulary. They use words most companies don’t have built into their lingo and dialog. They almost speak a foreign language when other companies listen to their employees and customers. They use words like… Awesome Incredible Amazing WOW Delightful Surprising Memorable Mediocrity isn’t even an option because it is…well…mediocre. This

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“Mediocre” is NOT in our vocabulary

October 2, 2015

You’re walking down the streets of Seattle (or any other big city) and the next street you have turn down is dark…the street lights are off. Depending on the time of night, you decide to go down another block and see if the street lights are on there so you don’t have to walk down

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Your Social Media Plan…Are the “Streetlights” On?

September 29, 2015

This is probably my undergraduate degree in Biology coming out, but I was thinking the other day about Customer Experiences in a slightly different way…what is their “half-life.” A “half-life” is, in simple non-scientific terms, the time it takes for half of something to go away. In customer experience terms, think of it this way…the

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The “Half-life” of Customer Experiences

September 28, 2015

We’ve all read some sort of “Top 10 List” of what successful people do first thing when they start or end their day…read something that is helpful. Have you ever read one of these lists where it says on the most important things to do is to… “Spend your time reading someone’s self-promotion material that

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Be Helpful…Be Relevant…Be FIRST

September 25, 2015

I had a recent, hauntingly familiar, encounter with a Business Owner the other day. It sounded similar to many others I have had over the last decade about differentiation. Listen in…it might sound a little familiar… ME: “So why exactly are you different from your competitors?” OWNER: “Our people…blah, blah, blah; our products…blah, blah, blah;

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If YOU don’t know why you are DIFFERENT…neither do your CUSTOMERS