September 9, 2015

People often get confused when we talk about two words…Word-of-Mouth and Advocacy. It’s pretty simple to separate the two…in fact, we can do it with the choice between two words. Proactive or Reactive Word-of-Mouth is REACTIVE. It happens because a situation usually sparks something in someone’s mind and they want to tell someone else about

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Word-of-Mouth is Reactive…but there’s something even Better

September 7, 2015

That’s right, you got it…give it ALL away! Give away all your CONTENT. That stuff you think is so valuable that everyone should be paying you for it because you want to sell it and make some money. Today, in the “Customer Economy”, it doesn’t work. Today content is free…even your coveted content. I can

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Give it ALL (your content) Away

September 4, 2015

We all share something at some time. What you choose to share, however, has a lot to do with your passion and commitment to whatever it is. We don’t share what we don’t care about. Do you share about something that is pretty good? Probably not. Do you share about something that is great? Maybe…sometimes.

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What do CUSTOMERS share?

September 2, 2015

Are you so in tune with your customers that you could almost finish their sentences or read what they are thinking and predict their next comment or question? Why not? Customer Centric companies that offer an incredible, remarkable, and memorable customer experience can. They can because their customers are willing (even anxious) to tell them

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How to Get More “Secret” Information About Your Customers

September 1, 2015

“I can’t believe I found the same product for a cheaper price…I can’t wait to ‘share’ it with all my friends so they can take advantage of this great bargain.” That’s sharing… “WOW, I can’t believe how well Company X treated me during my entire purchase…what an incredible experience…I can’t wait to ‘tell all my

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Word-of-Mouth vs. Sharing…which do your Customers do for you?

June 24, 2015

“WOW, I can’t believe how you went out of your way to make sure and solve my problem…this is an awesome experience!” “Well, I know that’s your policy, but it isn’t solving my problem!” Which do you think was said by the customer of an entrepreneur and which one was said by the customer of

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Want to Obsess over your Customers…Hire an Entrepreneur