December 24, 2014

Virtually every business owner and executive I talk to says they “care about their customers.” Who doesn’t…they pay us money…what’s not to like? But do they really? Here’s a simple “test” or “challenge” for you to take behind closed doors…or with your management team. The answers just might change the way you think and might

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The ULTIMATE Customer Challenge…How do you Rank?

December 3, 2014

I was having a conversation the other day with a business owner of a $40M manufacturing/distribution company about what it means to be “All In” with regard to customers…it didn’t start off exactly as I had planned, but it ended with a great quote. The conversation, like many, started off very well as we talked

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Are you truly “All In” when it comes to your Customer?

November 25, 2014

If you are the leader of your organization, this question is for you… “Are your CUSTOMERs, PARTNERs, SUPPLIERs, and EMPLOYEEs “proactively” talking about you and acting as your “Advocates” and “Evangelists”…either one-on-one or one to many (on their social channels)? Over the past 15 years, I have learned that less than 20% (the actual number

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CEOs, Presidents, and Business Owners…RISK or OPPORTUNITY?

November 21, 2014

Would you rather converse with a person or a building/office/group? Seems silly doesn’t it. Social media channels, like Twitter and LinkedIn, are designed for “individuals to interact” with each other…not with inanimate objects…such as a “company”. People want to talk to people. We want insights from PEOPLE. We want to inside scoop from people who

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Get the “Inside Scoop”…just Ask a Building

November 19, 2014

I want to be the BIGGEST Company in my industry. I want to have the BIGGEST gathering/meetup/networking event in the area. I want to have the BIGGEST stars/celebrities/athletes at my event. I want to have the BIGGEST revenue number of all time for our company. I want to have the BIGGEST __________ (fill in the

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Instead of thinking BIG…think IMPACT

November 13, 2014

It doesn’t matter what speech I give or to what kind of group…as soon as I suggest (strongly) that they sign up for twitter, I get asked, “How do I get lots of people following me?” Unfortunately, it’s the wrong question… Relevance has changed…or has it? Back when Social Media first started gaining traction (it’s

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“FOLLOW” Relevant…6 Areas That Matter