November 12, 2014

The good and the bad of the Internet is that you can find virtually anything you want or need (the good) and you, and your customers, can find it at the lowest price possible (the bad)…and it might not be from you. So the real question isn’t about how to get found on the internet,

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Why Should I Buy from YOU?

November 11, 2014

There are tons of statistics floating around today about how much time your visitors spend on your websites and associated sites (such as a blog). Whether you agree with them or not, the important part is the trend they are creating. Here are a few… Current attention span for an adult is 7 seconds Average

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We HEAR it…we SEE it…we WANT it…then why Don’t we DO it?

November 10, 2014

You are at a gathering and see a group of people talking and decide to join them. You walk up, introduce yourself, and since you are new to the group, they ask you to tell them more about you and what you do. As you jump into your “elevator pitch” or “features” description about your

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How “Content Marketing” can lead to “Word-of-Mouth”

November 1, 2014

If you are in marketing or use social media marketing in your B2B business, you are probably pretty familiar with the new tsunami that has taken over…CONTENT MARKETING. Great concept and great value…but is it now being ruined by marketers? At the core of “Content Marketing” is the “story”…the way to take your content and

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Have Marketers now RUINED “Story Telling” for B2B?

October 21, 2014

We all love “windows into the future” so we can see things before they are going to happen…unfortunately they don’t come along very often, if at all. But sometimes when the window presents itself, we are so busy finding reasons why this won’t ever work we miss the window. I believe this is the case

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B2C is the “window into the future” for B2B

October 20, 2014

Google provides a really great service for us (as does Bing and Yahoo)…they help us find web pages on the internet by typing in somewhat incoherent combinations of words…they call these search terms. And as bad as we are at this, it still seems to work pretty well. They can come up with content that

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We have Google for a reason…and it isn’t to be “replicated” on Social Media