October 18, 2014

The traditional CEO title, Chief Executive Officer, may not necessarily be the right descriptor for what the “new CEO” of the organization should be today’s massively connected world. While they may be the person who sits at the top of the heap and can direct the company to do whatever they want, is this their

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The New Role and Meaning of “Chief Executive Officer”

September 30, 2014

Have you ever had someone come up to you that is so excited about something and start to spew a bunch of facts about what it is they like? “Hey, I just got back from the football game and let me tell you, the stadium was well marked, I could find the beer card easily,

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Word-of-Mouth is about “Passion” not Facts

September 19, 2014

LEADERSHIP is about “leading people” because they choose to follow you…emotionally. You are the one they believe has the vision they want to see happen. Leaders don’t demand anything…people follow because of the leaders’ passion, commitment to their cause/focus, and their authenticity. MANAGEMENT is about getting things done. These are people who can organize the

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How “Leadership” and “Management” translate in Social Media

September 17, 2014

Believe it or not, McDonald’s has just added its FIRST “Customer Officer.” Whether you feel like this should have been done a long time ago or applaud them for realizing the customer is important enough to have an executive position, there are some key messages and learning’s we can get from this move. I always

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“Why” McDonald’s added FIRST Customer Officer…5 Things to Learn

September 13, 2014

News hasn’t changed…it is still important and it is still the drug of choice for everyone. Who doesn’t want to know the latest happenings in their community, city, state, country, and even the world? The only difference is “how” you get your news, not that it isn’t important or desired. With the advent of the

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The Changing Face of News…and Life

September 12, 2014

Here’s a simple way to analyze the customer base in your own company and identify how likely it is they will “spread the word” you with others. Do an honest assessment and see where your customers would fit into each of the profiles. I have also included some “Repair” tips and some “Goals” for you

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5 Customer Profiles and their Likelihood of “Spreading the Word” about You