September 11, 2014

Does it matter how many visitors you get on your website, or pages viewed, or ranking on Google, or a host of other measurements if you aren’t talking to an audience that wants what you offer? There are lots of “tricks” today to get a person on your pages…that isn’t rocket science any longer. There

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SEO is MEANINGLESS…unless you are doing this

September 6, 2014

As you know, I am “over the top” passionate about delivering totally awesome and memorable customer experiences…because this is what people talk about…in fact it’s what creates “word-of-mouth on steroids.” I had the opportunity to attend the biggest event to kick off the football season, the “NFL GameDay Experience” before the Seahawks first regular season

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NFL GameDay Experience…A Missed Opportunity

August 21, 2014

This just caught my attention and was so blatantly against where we are today I just had to write about it. The article was in Fox Business-Small Business section, “Never Turn Down a Paying Customer.” Just because it comes from a major name in news reporting doesn’t make it the right thing to do…just someone’s

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Forget “Customized” for the Customer…Just Take Anyone’s Money

August 18, 2014

Customer Experiences are emotional. They draw you in and create a feeling inside you…good or bad. Regardless of which it is, something changes inside you when you have an experience with a company. As a company, do you “leverage” and “extend” this feeling or “kill” it when you deliver your customer experience? The buying process,

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Do you “Extend” or “Kill” the Emotional Feeling in your Customers?

August 15, 2014

Everyone knows the Newlywed game. It’s where two newly married couples compare their answers to the same questions to see how well they know each other. What if you played this game with your customers…how well would you do? How well do you think you know what your customer would say about the interactions…customer experience…they

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Let’s Play the “Customer” Newlywed Game…

August 6, 2014

We all know the phrase…Out of Site, Out of Mind. It is one that most marketers live by every day. The feeling is that if we aren’t in front of our customers on a regular basis they won’t remember us or think of us when it comes time to purchase. There is some truth to

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind…does this describe your Customers?