August 4, 2014

We all know traditional media is either dead or rapidly dying, depending on which media you are tracking. This has been in the news for a long time now. So advertisers have switched to the internet and online advertising to try and make it work again. It isn’t. What is working is that people are

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How Low Will They Go To Get You To Watch Their Ad…

July 31, 2014

How “Simple” and “Clear” is your Brand and your Brand Message? Here’s a simple test…randomly select 10 or 20 customers and ask them to describe your brand and the message you convey with your brand in one sentence. Compare sentences for similarity. If they are all saying exactly the same thing…you have a clear brand

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Brand Confusion = Customer Defection and No Word-of-Mouth

July 30, 2014

Every business or organization delivers multiple customer experiences to their customers every day. And they are being evaluated by your customers every single day…with every interaction. You have no choice in this…it happens if you have customers. Below is a chart to help you visually understand which experiences get talked about. I will give you

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Customer Experiences…Are yours being talked about?

July 26, 2014

If someone asked you how you view your customers, would you say you focus on the short-term or the long-term? Be honest with yourself with the answer…we aren’t sharing it with your customers. This is a tough question because we know intuitively what the answer should be…BOTH. But in reality it rarely is…and it’s not

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Does your Company have a “Short-term” or Long-term” View of Customers?

July 22, 2014

I was in a meeting just the other day where the business owner was talking about their “leading position” in their respective industry. Impressive, right? Not so fast… His industry is what most would consider a “Laggard” stage industry…basically slow to adopt new changes in about everything, not just technology. When everyone else has gotten

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The BEST of the WORST isn’t the BEST

July 19, 2014

Big Data, Market Research, Customer Analytics, and a host of other terms are flooding our mailboxes and airwaves. This is the era of more data…more research…more analysis to show us who are customers are and how we should be marketing to them. While all this data is supposed to answer all our questions, there is

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Analytics comes second…PASSION comes FIRST