July 18, 2014

One way to get unanimous agreement is by asking, “Who likes to DIET?” Everyone hates DIETING. They hate all aspects of the word and what it stands for…pain and suffering. The only reason people go on one is for the “DREAM OF SUCCESS.” It is in fact a “dream” because the failure rate is off

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Why Companies don’t talk about their Customer Experiences…think DIETING

July 14, 2014

I’m sure the most people reading this blog post are sales people, sales managers, or customers who hate sales people. But it isn’t just a catchy title…it’s what’s happening today. And just in case you are wondering if I have any credibility in this area, I have spent over 20 years in the world of

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Why Selling FAILS today…5 Ways to Help it Succeed

July 12, 2014

If you are into sports at all, you probably heard the breaking news that LeBron James is returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers. If you don’t, now you know. But that isn’t the real story…it’s about SEO, WOM, and Google. As the story goes, SI.com scooped everyone else and got an exclusive essay from LeBron titled,

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Even SI.com can’t beat Google…but WOM can

July 10, 2014

Do you have policies and rules in place that either empower or restrain your employees from delivering a WOW customer experience? I’m sure you do…most organizations have these rules…some might be softer and call them “guidelines” but they are viewed as rules. Regardless, the question is how do they impact your customers? Customer Centric companies

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Are your employees empowered to deliver WOW!

July 8, 2014

What if your customers came to expect the UNEXPECTED? What if every time your customer interacted with you they said, “WOW, I didn’t expect that but this is awesome!” How would that change the way your customers feel about you? Companies do this all the time…the ones that are Customer Centric. They are the ones

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When the UNEXPECTED becomes the EXPECTED

July 1, 2014

I hear this all the time…it is a blessing and a curse…a joy and a frustration. There is now soooo much information available, is it paralyzing us? For example, in 2013, it is said there are 4 Zettabytes (one trillion gigabytes) of information in the internet…growing to 8 Zettabytes by 2015!! How can we handle

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How Social Media Comes to the Rescue of Your Customers