June 30, 2014

“OMG…if we aren’t at the top of the search results no one will ever find us.” Ever heard (or said) this phrase? I bet you have heard it and said it more than once. But do you really need to be at the top of the search page of results? There’s another (better) option available…

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Do You Really Need Google?

June 28, 2014

This is crazy. I just spent an hour listening to yet another presentation from a so-called expert on social media and how you can make it work inside your company. They missed it…as most do. Sure, there was a lot of great content about the “tools” of social media and how you can use them

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(Another) Presentation on Social Media…they MISSED IT

June 26, 2014

Having been in the “Customer Experience” and “Social Media/Word-of-Mouth” consulting business for more than 10 years you get a chance to see a lot of touchpoints from clients and others…thousands to be exact. Add to this the more than 500 speeches I have given and the numbers really get big. I don’t give you these

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Do You REALLY Need a Case Study to Change Your Customer Experience?

June 23, 2014

There is a famous quote I always loved from Jack Welch, famous CEO from General Electric. He said, “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, then the end is near.” Today the rate of change is eclipsing most organizations and they can’t keep up. Competition is

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Jack Welch got it Right…even for Customers

June 19, 2014

We all want it FAST…in fact, we all want it yesterday. The internet has given us this ability. We can now find whatever we want FAST. We get product/service information FAST… We get news and updates FAST… We get stocks, sports, entertainment information FAST… We can order from take-out and get it FAST… We live

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Thinking “Long-Tail” is even more critical in “Quick Results” World

June 18, 2014

Do you think you control our product/service with your customers? Think again… Today your competitors can snatch away your top position in an instant with a better mouse trap, better pricing, or even better distribution. Or maybe they offer two services for the price of one…where does that leave you. It’s tough to be in

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Want to be in “Control” of your Customers…think Experience, not Product