May 7, 2014

How many friends, connections, or followers do you have today? Is it enough? How do you know? Is 500 enough or do you want 10,000…or maybe 100,000? This is a question I get asked all the time by companies when they start talking about social media strategies. Let me help you change the way you

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May 5, 2014

Who hasn’t heard the phrase, “Do what I say, not what I do.” Whereas the correct version is, “Do what I do, not what I say.” This applies to lots of things in life, especially if you have kids, but especially to our businesses and organizations. In talking to business leaders (primarily CEOs/Presidents/Business Owners), none

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How Important are your Customers…REALLY?

April 28, 2014

People ask me all the time, “Isn’t it good enough is we have people talking about us…both in person and on some social networks?” First, I always tell them CONGRATULATIONS because most people/organizations don’t get talked about (actually very few on average). So right away they are ahead of the majority…that’s a good thing. But

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Who do YOU want Talking about YOU…

April 25, 2014

Having been a very early entrant into the world of Social Media, I have seen incredible change in the world…both good and bad. Things we grew up with, came to expect, and were considered the norm are fading or are gone. The world has changed… During many of my speeches I speak to this “Revolution”

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Ladies Home Journal is GONE…How this Relates to YOU

April 23, 2014

Remember Kodak? Those in my generation certainly do because they were the powerhouse, the Microsoft, the IBM, the GM of pictures. They had the entire world at their hands in the area of photography and film. Being and early passionate SLR photographer (still have my old manual Nikon SLR) they were the Gods of photography.

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Are Ad Agencies becoming the next “Kodak Moment”?

April 21, 2014

Word-of-Mouth is generated because of the “extremes” not the normal. If someone has a “good experience” you might think that is great and might even meet your expectations…but it won’t get talked about and shared. Buzz and sharing happen because it is an “extraordinary experience” and something that you feel you just need to tell

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