June 4, 2012

It happened again last week…when I was giving a speech, someone asked me who was using social media because they thought their target audience wasn’t a big user. Guess again…but that’s a topic for another day. The question I came back and asked them was, “Who is their demographic, and social media aside, do they

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ALL Generations use Word-of-Mouth

June 2, 2012

Everyone in business and beyond knows the meaning of “using a Silver Bullet” – where you use something very valuable to get something else very valuable, like a reference to get new customer/client.  It is usually used in the regard to getting a reference from someone who you can’t ask too frequently so when you

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Your “NEW Silver Bullet” – are you using it?

May 25, 2012

The question has come up more than once, “What if we put in a rewards program for referrals or word-of-mouth to our audience, does it still carry the power of WOM?” Great question and deserves some exploration… Social media has completely changed the game in so many ways, but no more than in the world

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If you “pay for WOM”, is it really WOM?

May 20, 2012

Word-of-Mouth has been around since the beginning of time – no one will every refute that fact.  While it is the most powerful form of communications – because it carries with it things like “trust” and “integrity” and “recommendations” and “confirmation” and “credibility” and a host of other such terms – it has always been

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Social Media is the “amplifier” for Word-of-Mouth

May 17, 2012

I don’t know if you are in the same boat as I am, but I get bombarded by tons of people and companies anxious to tell me “HOW” to do social media and “WHAT” I need to have to be successful and “WHERE” I should go to get these super special services and results –

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If you want true success with Social Media, start with “WHY”

May 16, 2012

In the 100+ speeches I give every year, this one question is definitely in the “Top 5” list of those I get asked, “What’s the ROI of Social Media?” Good question, much more difficult answer depending on the company, their strategy, goals, and expected outcomes. In all my previous training working in a “Big 5”

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Make the “i” in “ROi” first, then analyze the “R”