March 16, 2012

This week I was in a discussion with a new client about their business strategy and how we were going to help them integrate social media to help them build more word-of-mouth and sales – a conversation I have all the time – but this time it hit me and reminded me of something that

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“Promises” – still the foundation…

March 13, 2012

I just got back from Denver after giving a speech to a great management and leadership team that is part of an icon of Seattle Business – EJ Bartells.  What a great group of leaders and what a great organization that has endured countless ups and downs in the economy for over 90 years and

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EJ Bartells – Leading the “laggards” with Innovation and Social Media

March 10, 2012

This was an opportunity to be on Barbara Bollinger’s show on KKNW, Chat with Women network, and talk more about social media.  After Barbara finally figured out how to pronounce my name, we were off and rolling… Since this was the first time being on Barbara’s show, we spent a little time talking about the

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WOM10 and defining why Twitter is so powerful

March 7, 2012

Marketing, marketing, marketing – that seems to be all your hear about in regard to social media these days.  While no one can argue it has completely changed the way marketers have to think and act going forward (although many still haven’t adapted and believe traditional methods still work) I wanted to talk about something

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Is the Sales Team the true home for Social Media?

March 5, 2012

Today Barbara Bollinger and I talked a bit about blogging – what it is and why it is so important. The key to blogging is that it gives the person a chance to share their passion about something through their stories and experiences.  It isn’t for everyone because it can be lots of work if

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A discussion about BLOGGING

March 2, 2012

Another great segment with Barbara Bollinger on the Chat with Women network! Today we dissected how something can “Go Viral” using the power of social media.  While going viral might sound like it is the coolest thing ever, it is in certain circumstances but not in all circumstances.  I use a live example of a

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How does something go VIRAL…