February 26, 2012

One of the great success stories of Rotary International has to be what Kelly Kyle and her team at the Redmond Rousers Rotary have done in the local area.  It reminds me of the old childhood story of the “Little Engine that Could” and how it just kept trying and trying and trying and finally

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A story of SUCCESS – Redmond Rousers Rotary…THANK YOU!

February 22, 2012

Back in the early days, business was done eyeball to eyeball and with a handshake.  If you looked away too early you couldn’t be trusted.  If you dressed wrong, you couldn’t be trusted. It was a very visual experience in many cases because you always did business looking at the person, their body language and

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Why would you ever need social media?

February 20, 2012

WOM (Word-of-Mouth) can be either very powerful or very dangerous thing – depending on how you personally use it and  what expectations you have when you use it .  Let’s look a bit deeper at the two sides to using WOM. To start with, it is important to understand the core reason someone is talking

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The Best WOM isn’t about Reciprocity

February 10, 2012

I know, sounds a bit ridiculous doesn’t it?  But in essence, that’s exactly what many businesses are doing these days by either being absent from the social media channels or misusing them.  Are you saying this to YOUR customers and employees without even knowing it? Social media was designed to create ENGAGEMENT and SHARING, aka,

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MEMO: Tell our Customers NOT to talk about us…

February 8, 2012

We just finished a weekend where there is tremendous hype about all the “Superbowl ads” and how awesome they are going to be and how we should almost watch the game for the ads.  What about the game?  Have we gotten to a point where the ads become more important to a larger and larger

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A “Long Tail” Strategy makes you memorable

January 21, 2012

There are very few meetings I have where I don’t get asked this question when we start to talk about Social Media and developing a Word-of-Mouth Strategy.  And I really appreciate people asking rather than just formulating their own ideas of why they should or shouldn’t.  I was just asked this again yesterday so it

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