December 19, 2011

Take a look at this list of companies shared on their blog, “Report: The 5 Brands that could perish in 2012“, that might not make it through 2012 – very interesting list.  It doesn’t really matter whether we all agree or not at this point, that is not the point of this post.  The

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Word-of-Mouth is the new Judge

December 12, 2011

Getting to work with lots of CEOs, Business Owners, and Top Executives gives me an “inside view” of what they talk about and think about when they are using social media.  One area more and more are getting into is “blogging” – yes blogging. As you have heard me talk about over and over, I

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When should you “blog”?

December 6, 2011

Sales are down, the product isn’t moving, we need more customers/clients, we have a new product/service to launch, and a host of other issues face business leaders every day.  When these happen, many decide it is time to do something about it and will say, “We need to get some “Word-of-Mouth” going out there to

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Word-of-Mouth is part of your DNA – not a “campaign”

December 5, 2011

I wrote a blog post on one of my other blogs called, “Have you “THANKED” your ADVOCATES today?” because I am so passionate about Advocacy.  Then it struck me, this would be worth talking about on our WOM10 site as well.  Because at the end of the day, the greatest Word-of-Mouth you can get is

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WOM is leveraged through ADVOCATES

November 25, 2011

When we think about Thanksgiving, what thoughts are the ones that immediately come to mind?  Is it the big dinner, the eating ALL day, the football games, seeing family you might not have seen for a while, planning for your Black Friday shopping trip, or just another day off from work?  While it can be

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Thanksgiving is a great teacher for social…

November 24, 2011

It’s Thanksgiving morning and the house is perfectly quiet, other than the dogs wandering around in anticipation of all the food falling on the floor during the day.  My den is my quiet place, my place to think and create.  And today, it is my place of reflection…reflection on just how blessed I am with

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