November 14, 2011

I give hundreds of speeches a year to CEOs, Business Owners, and other top executives on Social Media and how it is changing their world right in front of them.  Many see the signs and reluctantly agree they need to do something about it.  Others still don’t and hope it will go away or flame

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If you don’t believe me…listen to the kids!

November 10, 2011

Have you ever gotten a new client or new sale because of Word-of-Mouth? Of course you have, we all have. It is, without question, the best way to get a we client or customer. Not only is it your “lowest cost of sale” when you calculate how much it costs you to get a new

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Leveraging the most powerful sales tool you have…

September 27, 2011

I was meeting with a prospective client today who is in a “laggard” industry in regard to social media adoption, but wants to try and “lead the pack” and venture into the use of social media – good for them!  This isn’t a story about that – much bigger topic for a future post.  Nope,

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Is your audience “sharing” or “deleting” your content?

September 8, 2011

OK, I already know, I haven’t posted anything for a while, I have already heard from many of my loyal readers.  But there is a reason and some exciting news… Good news is that I have lots of posts drafted so these will start rolling out shortly – stay tuned.  I have been talking to

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Welcome Virtual Vino LIVE…

July 28, 2011

When the internet first came out, everyone viewed it as a “net add” in terms of cost – it was “another storefront” in most people’s mind.  They had their traditional media ads on the Radio, TV, and in print in the newspapers, yellow pages, and direct mail pieces.  Since the internet wasn’t viewed as and

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Think “Replacement Cost” instead of “Additional Cost”

July 23, 2011

We all know the story… The Tortoise and the Hare…where the Tortoise starts out slowly but just keeps putting one foot in front of the other heading towards his goal, the finish line.  Nothing too flashy or exciting, just one after another, after another, after another.  Then there is the Hare, running forward, backwards, side

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The Tortoise STILL wins the race…