July 19, 2011

It’s always a treat when you get a chance to work with some very bright and awesome people doing some truly great things in our wonderful State of Washington.  I get the chance to do that and become a part of the Washington Business Alliance. They are a great group of business leaders and the

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Washington Business Alliance – thank you…

July 14, 2011

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of sitting down and talking with a truly remarkable individual, Ron Dohr.  He has a company called Dohr Family Business Consulting that you can check out to learn more about what he does.  But as you all know, I don’t pretend to be a “reporter” and give

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Meet Ron Dohr – when Character wins…

July 10, 2011

Last week I had a very interesting conversation with the CEO of a medium sized business that I thought was so interesting I wanted to share it with all of you readers out there in “WOM land”. It started off like a lot of conversations I have with top executives about social media – the

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CEOs can’t blog…really?

July 6, 2011

Guardrails – I love that term because it is one of those that everyone gets as soon as you say it.  It is all about helping us stay on course and might inflict a little damage but is preventing you from incurring a lot of damage. These are ABSOLUTELY necessary in social media. The purpose

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Guardrails in Social Media

July 5, 2011

Every Friday I get a wonderful treat – I get to spend 20 minutes talking about Social Media LIVE on the Chat with Women radio show, hosted by Pam Gray and Rochelle Alhadeff.  These ladies are a riot and they hold nothing back.  The part I enjoy the most being on their show are the

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The “Back Story” of a radio show…

July 4, 2011

This podcast is about helping you understand why social media is so successful today and why it has taken over as our primary form of communication. It isn’t just that these tools are easy to use and they give us all a platform to talk about ourselves (which isn’t right but we’ll talk about this

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“Freshness” wins over “Perfection