July 1, 2011

I had the wonderful experience to listen to film legend, Tom Skerritt, at the Zino Society Entertainment Forum last week.  His speech was passionate, emotional, and heartfelt by everyone – and was spot on with his topic.  I pretty much know nothing about the film industry, other than I like movies and know what I

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Tom Skerritt, film legend agrees…

June 29, 2011

Think about your best friend, favorite client, favorite restaurant, your spouse, your kids, a business you have dealt with that you just love to buy from, a partner you trust completely, and others in a similar correlation.  When you do, does your adrenaline go up just a bit, do you get a bit excited, does

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Do you have “Passion”?

June 28, 2011

I am often asked, “What can we start doing to build word-of-mouth (WOM) quickly?”  The answer is, not much. Word-of-Mouth embodies both STRATEGY and CULTURE.  It is not something you wake up one day and say to yourself, “Maybe we should work on word-of-mouth today or this month as our new initiative.”  Sadly, it just

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WOM is a strategy…not a tactic

June 17, 2011

I was interviewed on Chat with Women with the theme, “How to use social media the ‘right way’ to help grow your business.” During this particular session, I was able to describe in some detail one of the core reasons for how NOT to use social media and HOW TO use social media so your

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“Pimping” vs. “Helping” – creating an army of Advocates

June 10, 2011

I was talking to my good friend and client, Michael Lee, the other day about blogging and what it takes for a business owner, CEO or any other top Executive like himself to be a consistent blogger.  I thought the core of our conversation was so universal to other executives I wanted to share this

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Perfectionism is your ENEMY!

June 6, 2011

While this is mainly aimed at CEOs and other top Executives that blog, it is applicable to anyone and everyone that considers themselves to be a “blogger” – whether personal or business. Social Media has turned the world upside down, sideways, and any other direction you can think of – it is truly a revolution. 

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BLOGGERS – STOP writing – START blogging