June 2, 2011

I get asked all the time why this is new media is called “Social Media” instead of something else.  Good question and I don’t really have the “technical” answer other than to give you the business reason why I it is in front.  We could have changed the word Social to “Engaged” or “Interact” or

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Social Media – should it change its name?

May 28, 2011

Maybe it’s all the years I spent helping companies “think strategically” about their business, systems, processes, customers, and of course social media that allow me to make such an emphatic statement.  But in all my years of business, it always seems like those that have a solid strategy to start with end up further ahead. 

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Strategy ALWAYS Rules – my own story included

May 23, 2011

When you have “FREE” in the conversation, one thing usually happens – everyone wants it immediately.  Social Media is no different.  Virtually all the social media tools are free to sign up for and start using immediately.  And most are quite easy to get started with after only a few clicks.  But are they “really”

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Is Social Media “really” FREE?

May 16, 2011

I was sitting in church yesterday at Overlake Christian Church listening to a great message by Pastor Mike Howerton talk about “getting unstuck” by facing where you are in life and how you can move on to be more at peace with yourself and others around you – then it hit me.  Mike was simply

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“Testimony” vs. “Tranparency” – any difference?

May 6, 2011

In the world today, you are either “Pimping” yourself, your company, or your products OR you are focused on “Helping” others so they can be more successful.  Be honest with yourself and take a good look at what you do as a business or an individual.  With the introduction of Social Media in the world,

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“Pimping” or Helping – which are you?

May 3, 2011

I was at the Arthur Andersen Alumni event the other night and had the chance to connect with some of my friends and colleagues from the past (spent almost the entire “90’s with this group of people).  What a great event and what great people.  I still can’t believe how it came tumbling down –

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“Transparency” – The new “Magnet”