November 8, 2010

OK, I know there will be lots of people jumping on this one but someone had to say it. Social media in my world is helping companies get “more of the right people talking more about them – proactively” – this is true Word-of-Mouth. Social media takes this concept and puts it on steroids –

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Social Media isn’t about the Marketing Department

November 5, 2010

We have all heard that the only way to have things work right is Ready, Aim, and Fire and I have supported this for years whenever I do strategic planning for organizations. However, we are in a new and different world these days and for once I can say Ready, Fire, Aim is a worthwhile

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Ready, Fire, Aim – why it works with social media

November 3, 2010

This election today will be looked back on in history as one of the few remaining where traditional marketing approaches were used.  In the future, the amount of flyers that are sent out through the mail will drop dramatically.  Most I’m sure will be like me and take them from mailbox to recycle and never

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Elections will never be the same again…

October 26, 2010

Once again I was on the Chat with Women radio show on KKNW talking about Social Media and offering up another “tip of the day” to help people better understand how to use Social Media. Today’s Podcast is about “Getting Small” if you want to “Get Big”.  What does that really mean? It is simply

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You have to “Get Small” if you want to “Get Big”

October 16, 2010

If you are going to get the most value out of using social media, it is important to remember what is at the core of social media – building more trust and stronger relationships.  If you think about it, how many relationships have you personally built by not engaging in a dialog but by dominating

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Stop "Telling" and start "Helping"

October 5, 2010

I get asked quite often to distinguish between what is “viral marketing” and what is “word-of-mouth marketing” – apparently there is some confusion out there with these terms.  Let’s see if we can’t clear it up and give you some more details.  The good news is that both are very powerful and very necessary. Let’s

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Viral or Word-of-Mouth – which is better?