September 22, 2010

On average, I agree with 90%+ of what Seth Godin talks about on his blog, writes in his books, or speaks about in his speeches.  However, today I have to disagree with Seth. Seth wrote a blog post, “Dissatisfaction Guaranteed,” where he closed with a line, “Satisfied means done, finished, I don’t need any more.” 

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Seth Godin – I DISAGREE on being "satisfied"…

September 8, 2010

Brian Featherstonhaugh, CEO and Chairman of Ogilvy One Worldwide wrote a great blog post for iMedia yesterday that really hit home with what we have been focused on with organizations and executives for a long time – Word-of-Mouth RULES! In his blog post, “Did the Birth of Social Media Change Everything?“, he wrote, “It wasn’t

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Ogilvy gets it….Word-of-Mouth IS the answer

September 4, 2010

Knowing how much we support blogging and that we talk about it as the “Cornerstone” of Social Media, I thought it would be appropriate to give you the scientific formula for what it takes to become a “Famous Blogger”, courtesy of Dave Walker.  Leave me a comment if you have any thoughts about improving upon

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How to become a "Famous Blogger"

August 31, 2010

Who do you think is the most powerful person in the organization today? Is it the CEO, President, COO, CMO, CSO, or someone else at the “C-level” in the organization? NO – it most likely isn’t any one of these people. Not because they don’t “run” the business or make sure it is operating at

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The Most Influential Person inside your Organization

August 24, 2010

The VERDICT is in – Social Media and Social Networking are here to stay!! In case you didn’t already know. Now, that may not be news to many of you or even most of you, but I just wanted to be clear on that one point before going forward. Being involved in the “social media”

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Our REAL Competition – not who you think…

August 22, 2010

The key to making a culinary delight isn’t that you know all the best ingredients, it’s knowing how to put the ingredients together that makes a difference. It isn’t any different with social media. Just having someone who knows the right “tools” doesn’t make social media turn out the right way or work for you

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Chefs "Get" Social Media – they just didn’t know it…