June 18, 2010

This is an interesting question I get asked quite often from CEOs and business leaders when they are wondering what they should do about social media.  The question comes up as to which group could benefit the most and in larger organizations, who is in “control” of social media.  And especially for CEOs, who live

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Who is REALLY in control…the answer might surprise you

June 15, 2010

There is a “perfect storm” building out there and it is called Word-of-Mouth Marketing.  While most marketers shun the idea of Word-of-Mouth as a legitimate and measurable form of marketing, the advent of social media and the tools behind it are changing that world rapidly. McKinsey and Company, an internationally recognized strategy and management consulting

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WOM drives Value – McKinsey agrees…

June 12, 2010

We all know people and companies who fit in the category of “wannabe’s”, “me-too’s”, “posers”, and “lemmings”.  They all have the same thing in common – wanting to follow the crowd and be recognized for their participation.  These terms have taken on extended meanings over the past several years and have been applied to a

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"Social Washing" – Are you guilty?

June 10, 2010

Today Clay and I had the opportunity to speak to a packed house of women business owners and executives at the Win With Washington  monthly luncheon.  There were around 100 vivacious, energized and passionate women (and a few men) excited to hear our message of how Social Media and Word-of-Mouth Marketing could change their businesses. 

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Win With Washington…WINS

May 24, 2010

Why do people want to read what you write? Why do people focus in on some and not others? Why do people share something with others through word-of-mouth? Why are some people like magnets for their content while others are passed over? The answer……their “STORIES” are stronger. The internet today is full of content –

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Creating Trusted Relationships using Social Media…

May 19, 2010

Thousands of people, millions of stories, and when you look at it from this perspective, it doesn’t really mean that much.  But when you look in the eyes of one person, as I did with Loa Griesbach, you see a different story and this one has a face, a beautiful face at that. I met

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True "Word-of-Mouth" – at an individual level