May 11, 2010

I have to admit – I”M SHOCKED! This past week I was talking to a lady in charge of social media marketing for a software company about who they were using/hiring to be in charge of their social media strategy and planning.  With my background in corporate strategy, naive Blaine thought they were actually talking

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How much is your "BRAND" worth?

May 5, 2010

Over the past 9 months we have been seeing more and more so-called “Experts, Gurus, Ninjas, Mavens” and a host of other names pop up in the world of Social Media.  Is that a bad thing? Not if you don’t mind putting your BRAND in the hands of a recently laid off traditional marketing person,

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Beware of the "Low Barrier to Entry" consultant

April 20, 2010

Forrester Research just released a report this month that will no doubt be somewhat controversial but needed to be discussed – who do you use to help lead you in the new “Revolution” of Social Media?  It isn’t who you think… Just like in the old days when the Buggy Whip manufacturers ruled the transportation

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Would you hire "Buggy Whip" makers to design your CAR?

April 6, 2010

Want to build thousands of followers and have lots of people talking about about you?  Then start thinking small. That’s right, in the world today, if you want to build a tremendous following of the “right people” you must start by thinking small.  Social Media is most powerful when you start with a small group

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To be BIG you have to think SMALL…

February 19, 2010

I just read a great article in the latest edition of BusinessWeek called, “Social Media is Nothing New” by Steve McKee.  I love it when “traditional media” gets it right in the “social media” world and this time they nailed it! What I am talking about is “Word-of-Mouth” marketing.  Their article talks about what we

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BusinessWeek has it right…

February 16, 2010

Well it has been less than a week since we officially launched our new e-book, “Business Tools??? – Executives View of Social Media for Business“, and we have already had hundreds of downloads – THANK YOU!!We know we were trying something different when we announced the new e-book and offered it for FREE – as

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Thank you…Lots of Downloads!!