February 5, 2010

As you may be able to tell, there is something new on the right side of our blog – YES, it is the cover of our new e-book, “Business Tools???  – Executives View of Social Media” – it has finally been released!! We are so excited that it is finally here.  We actually got the

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We have LIFTOFF…

January 29, 2010

Clay and I just had a great experience.  Nancy Truitt Pierce, owner of WoodsCreek Consulting, asked us to speak to her executive group of CIOs and CTOs today.  While we can’t share the names of those in her super, private, top secret, locked down secure group, we can tell you it includes some of the

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Nancy Truitt Pierce does it again…

January 28, 2010

OK, I know we are teasing our readers a bit, but stay tuned – it is getting REALLY close to launch – maybe within the next week.  Actually, we are putting on the finishing touches, adding some more slides from our speeches and dressing it up a bit more. I hope you continue to follow

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Book is getting closer…

January 28, 2010

What a great morning I just had listening to Jack “Z” Zduriencik the GM of the Seattle Mariners.  He was an inspiration and an incredibly great speaker.  What made him great?  It wasn’t that he was the most polished and poised speaker I have ever seen.  No, he was genuine, authentic, passionate, knowledgeable and he

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Jack Zduriencik of Seattle Mariners speaks to CEOs…

January 23, 2010

This past week I had the opportunity to meet with a friend of mine in the real estate business.  I won’t share his/her name because this isn’t going to be a favorable story – except for you the reader. We met for coffee to find out what he/she was doing with social media in their

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No wonder it doesn’t work…

January 22, 2010

As many of you know if you have followed us or caught one of our speeches in the past several months, we promised we would start writing some books.  After countless requests that we share what we talk about in our speeches, we succumbed to the pressure and are just about finished with our first

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Hey, the book is almost here…