December 30, 2009

RESULTS were certainly a common area of interest/concern as it relates to Social Media. How to measure results is a widely discussed topic among Social Media Experts (if there truly are any), Marketing, PR, Communications Groups, etc. This discussion will be going on throughout all of 2010 and probably beyond. After all, measurable results are

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Results…One key measurement for Social Media

December 24, 2009

Let’s face it, in a world of complexity and increasing competition, the one area everyone seems to agree on is that if they had more Word-of-Mouth they would be more successful.  End of story.  But in this “new world” of recession, increased competition, and new competitors, this is harder and harder to achieve. Traditional media

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Word-of-Mouth…Comfortable and Valuable

December 18, 2009

From our consulting experience and countless engagements with CEOs and Executives, it is unanimous that Word-of-Mouth is the “most sought after” source of generating new business. OK, so maybe we didn’t have to do a ton of research just to state the obvious. But somebody had to say it – because most companies have forgotten

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Word-of-Mouth on STEROIDS

December 12, 2009

It was only a little over a year ago when being “fat and happy” was the way of life and people and their businesses were living the “good life”, like with Dany Mitchell, pictured with me, from Trattoria Mitchelli’s. Today, those same people are trying to survive – my how the world has changed and

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Yesterday we were lazy, now we have to survive…

December 6, 2009

Word-of-Mouth has its roots in developing trusted relationships with people so you feel no only comfortable, but obligated to refer or recommend someone. People don’t spread the word about organizations and people that are “mediocre” or “average” or “the norm.” No, they spread the word about those that are unique, honest, authentic, and trustworthy and

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Foundation for building "Word-of-Mouth on Steroids"

December 1, 2009

You, our audience of followers, readers, and advocates, has connected with us as SOCIAL MEDIA FOR EXECUTIVES for the past year during our “evangelist speaking tour” talking to CEOs, Business Owners, and other Top Executives. We were on a mission. That mission was to educate and share the message about the “Revolution” called Social Media

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Social Media for Executives (our brand) evolves…