November 21, 2009

When we first launched our seminars, we were convinced that education about the tools of Social Media was the core message. As time progressed and the market martured, we came to realize that social media is really an accelerator channel for the most effective form of marketing – Word-of-Mouth. Thus, we now emphasize the real

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Social Media truly is Word-of-Mouth to the TENTH Power

November 10, 2009

For quite a while now Clay and I have talked about why many organizations are struggling with seeing even modest “results” from their use of social media. One of the key reasons to us is that most marketers (over 80% from our experience) really don’t “understand” social media and as such are using it incorrectly.

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Why Social Media Fails…

October 21, 2009

We want to thank both Dennis Brislawn and Tom Lofton from the law firm, Brislawn Lofton PLLC, for co-sponsoring us to speak to a group of their clients and friends – what a great group of people. We also want to thank David Scherling, General Manager at El Gaucho in Bellevue for hosting the event

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Great group at El Gaucho learning social media…

October 14, 2009

We are getting great questions from Bob Sternoff from Kirkland City Council – way to go Bob. This posting is occurring real-time in our Social Media seminar as we demonstrate how easy it is to use Outlook to post to the blog with a photo and with an embedded link (in the body of the

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El Gaucho Social Media seminar with Kirkland City Councilman

October 14, 2009

We are having a great experience and eating delightful food with a couple of guys who are social media authorities (without tattoos). This is a post to demonstrate how easy it is to post diretly to a blog using e-mail — this case the message is being sent from Outlook

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El Gaucho treats group to seminar on Social Media