Sandy from Thrifty Parking is learning about Social Media and the power to change business.
...October 13, 2009
Stories and Posts to help you become a “REMARK”able™ organization
October 13, 2009
Sandy from Thrifty Parking is learning about Social Media and the power to change business.
October 13, 2009
We are at The Harbor Club with some great business leaders enjoying the story of Social Media.
October 8, 2009
Vince Armfield wrote and excellent post about how Kirkland Rotary is really helping the community.
October 5, 2009
Clay and I just wanted to thank Shirlaws Coaching in Seattle for hosting a wonderful event at the Meydenbauer Center last Wednesday afternoon. We had the privilege of being their guest speakers for their “Catch the First Wave” event. What an incredible event – thank you for inviting is to speak. We especially want to …
October 4, 2009
The beauty of being focused on helping CEOs, Business Leaders and other Top Executives get engaged with Social Media is that you get to hear some great comments and you get asked some great questions. This is one of the best learning experiences I have ever had for understanding what goes on in the minds …
September 28, 2009
I have some good news for those of you that read our blog on a regular basis. As many of you know, we are guest speaking at a Shirlaws Coaching event this coming WEDNESDAY, September 30th at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue. Now for the BEST NEWS… As guest speakers, they have given us “speakers …
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