June 17, 2009

Social media offers many new ways to get people’s attention to promote your business. I’d like to share our experience with one of our more innovative projects. Working with Mackay Restaurants – the owners of El Gaucho – we have developed a social media-based campaign for a “Taste & Tweet” virtual tasting of items from

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El Gaucho serving TasteTweets next week

June 13, 2009

Big News on Facebook. Beginning June 13, Facebook gives you the opportunity to own a customized Facebook URL. Why is everyone going to be jumping on their computers to grab theirs? Glad you asked: My friend, Janelle Elms made the following points in a recent message. It’s easier for your friends to remember and use

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Big News – Your Facebook Account can have Your Name

June 11, 2009

Last week was my wife’s birthday and we wanted to do something fun and special – of course, where have you heard that before.  Since we live in Woodinville Wine Country, Woodinville Washington, we decided having a party at a winery would be a fun experience.  But which one – there are tons of great

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A great experience at a winery…

June 11, 2009

Blogging is much easier than a website, and it’s ease creates more opportunities to be personal. We are up to our elbows in media, and the results from using content tools like Yodio are clear. When people add rich media to their blog content — the results rock. With Yodio, I provide a very easy

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Rich Media Rocks on Blogs

June 9, 2009

The entire Twitter system is built to be very fast — in fact it is literally real-time messaging in many cases. This “speed of delivery” can be very attractive to the proverbial spammer crowd, so I appreciate that Twitter has built in some limits that encourage the social messaging nature of Twitter while discouraging the

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Twitter’s Follow Limits