June 3, 2009

We enjoyed a morning at the Harbor Club talking about Social Media and how it can help businesses improve market awareness, improve customer relationships and ultimately bring in more revenues. One of the attentive attendees enjoying a cup of wonderful Harbor Club coffee was Cami from Brislawn Lofton, PLLC. Enjoy!! Blaine

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Brislawn Lofton gets intro to Social Media

June 2, 2009

TWEET: Good morning regatta fans. The SYC RC is prepping for another great day of racing!8:20 AM May 16th from web When coaching business executives about Social Media, we’ve found one of the most attractive, yet disruptive, traits of this new form of communications is ability to share information on a real-time basis. Recently one

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Seattle Yacht Club Twitters Real Time Racing Info

May 28, 2009

In our recent “Social Media for Exectuvies” seminar sponsored by the Columbia Tower Club, one of our attendees literally raced out of the seminar and posted the following on her blog. We appreciate those who “get the message”. And we appreciate it even more when they put the message to work. Social Media is about

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People Can say the nicest things

May 27, 2009

We presented to a great group of executives at the Columbia Tower Club today. One of the companies attending was Speaking to Win and owner, Mary Anne Dorward is shown discussing some great ideas about how to use this with her Blog Talk Radio show. Blaine

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Great group at Columbia Tower Club

May 26, 2009

Loyalty is not built overnight, but it can start with a single event. This past week I was in Nashville celebrating my wife’s birthday and had some great experiences. I thought you might enjoy hearing about them as you think about “customer experiences” and how they can create “customer loyalty.” Consistency is still KING. One

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Nashville delivers an experience – but did it build “Loyalty”?

May 15, 2009

Lunchtime on Wednesday represented a significant milestone for the Thurston County Chamber of Commerce. They packed the event center on the campus of St. Martin’s University with over 200 people, their largest crowd ever – all to learn about “how Social Media could help them differentiate and build revenues” for their businesses. We were graciously

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Thurston County Chamber of Commerce packs St. Martins…