March 23, 2009

Last Wednesday I had the distinct pleasure of speaking to one of the most influential and well respected business groups in the area – Bellevue Chamber of Commerce’s EBRT (Eastside Business Roundable).  This group is comprised of some of most well known business leaders in both Seattle and Bellevue. Why was I there?  They were interested,

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EBRT embraces Social Media…

March 12, 2009

I had the opportunity to speak to a great group of small and middle market business owners and executives yesterday that were part of The Seattle Executives Association – what a great group of people! This is an executive networking group that has been around for 90 years and has a very rich history and

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Seattle Executives Association

March 10, 2009

I wanted to apologize to my readers for going “dark” the past four or 5 days and my blog being down.  Unfortunately, this was not something in my control and didn’t even know it was happening until a reader pointed it out to me on Friday. As it turns out, there was something that went

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Sorry for going “Dark” on you…

March 6, 2009

One issue that seems to resonate in the market is who companies care about the most – NEW customers or CURRENT customers?  What I find out there is an incredible discrepancy between what is “said” and what is “acted” out by companies. Too often a business tells its existing customers that they are the MOST

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Actions speak louder than words…

February 25, 2009

When are companies going to GET IT – the customer has a voice about the experience they want from a company.  Unless companies can dial into this experience, they will become irrelevant.  A great article that supports this and has the numbers to back it us is the Internet Retailer and their article, “Companies fail to measure

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When will they get it…

February 19, 2009

I recently read and article about the new head of Newsweek magazine and how he, Tom Ascheim, is having to transform the magazine if they are going to survive.  While I am not a big fan of the print media overall because of how they sensationalize almost everything, I do have to agree with Tom

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