February 16, 2009

Interesting question, isn’t it?  The word Authenticity has been around for a long time and it has resurfaced in the past few years to be linked to behavior and to customers.  But is it really the “right” word for our times and does it really communicate what is really meant by the author?  I don’t

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Are you “Authentic” if you keep your “Promises”?

February 16, 2009

This past week we held our third seminar, “Social Media for CEO’s”. It was great because we had over 20 people in attendance (our largest crowd so far) and over half of them were individuals that were referred by someone else. We are really seeing the viral nature starting to work and the WOM (word

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Our third seminar…

February 5, 2009

I just got back from attending a great breakfast (and not just the food) with some of Seattle and Bellevue’s most prominent and influential people. The breakfast was hosted by Eastside Business Roundtable and I was invited by Jim Frank of Human Capital Resources – thanks Jim. The event featured the CEO of Seattle Children’s

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More than just a great breakfast

February 5, 2009

I wrote an entry a little while ago referencing how parasitic the media is right now and how they are literally preying on the bad news to keep themselves alive – it sucks.  I can’t say it any other way than that.  It is also why I am telling everyone I come in contact with (in

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Joe, way to go – you ‘da man…

February 2, 2009

Many people are asking me if “blogging” is just the latest “FAD” that will be gone tomorrow. The simple answer is, “No way, it is here to stay and will do nothing but flourish.” Don’t believe me? Wharton, one of most respected names in business schools, has numerous articles supporting the claim that not only

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Blogging is here to stay – says Wharton…

January 30, 2009

We continue to offer our seminars for Social Media for CEOs. Among the many recommendations we make to CEOs is to get familiar with the easy things to do. First of all, you should be aware of what is being said about your business. We recommend that every CEO set-up Google alerts on company, product

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