October 16, 2008

I was reading an article in the Harvard Business Publishing Blog on Warren Buffet and his views of this whole economic mess when I came across a great comment at the bottom of the article.  The article was titled, “The Wisdom of Warren Buffet,” by Bill Taylor.  Bill writes about a variety of topics and this one was spot on

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Don’t give in – keep INNOVATING and LEAD…

October 11, 2008

Well, there certainly has been enough bad news for one week with the meltdown of Wall Street and international global markets.  I’m sure 90% of all our readers have been affected in some adverse way by all this activity going on.  It is clear that panic has set in and people are behaving in irrational

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They’re all watching you…

September 18, 2008

In the upcoming days and weeks you will start to see some changes happening to the “Loyalty” Blog you are so used to seeing and reading.  NO, we aren’t going away from the core concept that Customer Loyalty is at the heart of all corporate economics.  And NO we aren’t going to stop providing you

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Stay tuned for some changes…

September 11, 2008

There is a group that is interested in capturing input from bloggers, like me, that put out content on a regular basis for our readers – called Blog FEED.  This is an interesting experiment and I am participating.  I will let you know the results – whether it be increased traffic, increased comments, or just

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Blog FEED – where does content end and marketing begin…

September 10, 2008

Yesterday was my BIRTHDAY – what a great day of the year!!  I took most of the day off to spend with my wife and family and had a fabulous time.  BTW, presents are still being accepted if you would like to send one. 🙂  It seems like no matter what you do, there is

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You can always learn something on your BIRTHDAY…

September 8, 2008

I came across an interesting article by JAMIE HERZLICH on Newsday.com today that just compelled me to comment on.  The good news is that the title of the article is spot on, “Small Business: Good Customer Service is Key.”  However, I don’t think Jamie took it as far as it could be to accomplish what

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Taking it just a little farther makes all the difference…