September 5, 2008

OK, so I about to violate one of the cardinal rules in public discussion – talking about politics or religion.  The religion side is easy for me as I am a committed Christian.  The political side is much more difficult and I won’t express my views about this yet – the jury is still out

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Politics and customers…

September 3, 2008

Yes, you heard me right – Give your CUSTOMERS away to the competition.  OK, so maybe not entirely but in principle at least. Everyone is touting how great their customer service is or how wonderful of an experience they give their customers or how well our employees treat our customers, etc. etc. etc.  Put your

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Give your CUSTOMERS away…

August 30, 2008

If you don’t know the gap between what your “employees perception” and your “customers perception” you can’t make the “right changes” to build differentiation.  Let me explain.  Customers have a very vivid perception about what they want the experience to be with your company – right, wrong or indifferent – it is reality to them. 

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If you don’t know the gap…

August 27, 2008

I just read a great article in Harvard Business Publishing, “In a downturn, please put aside pathetic platitudes,” written by John Baldoni.  The reason this is a great article is that it is “in your face” accurate on what really shouldn’t be going on in organizations. John states in the article that when times are

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Transparency – use it or lose it…

August 22, 2008

I don’t know how many of you enjoy reading about Einstein or not but he had a quote that hung on his door at Princeton that to me was spot on in regard to your customers and generating more revenue.  The quote was, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can

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Einstein got it right…

August 20, 2008

It just wouldn’t be appropriate to not have at least one blog entry related to the Olympics – this is my first (and maybe last).  I saw a great comment from the biggest name in the Olympics, Michael Phelps, and his coach, Bob Bowman that I felt needed to be discussed a bit. In an

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Olympics and your customers…