August 8, 2008

I thought I would take a bit of a break today and share some humor with you.  But first a little background… As most of my readers know, I believe “Social Media” is here and just beginning to make its impact on businesses.  I didn’t say “Social Networking,” I said “Social Media.”  There is a

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Friday Humor…

August 5, 2008

One of the key “mantra’s” that I live by and what I strive to accomplish with all my clients is “Simplicity.”  Simple is just simply better.  I know I am taking a bit of liberty with some words here but think about it.  The world has gotten so complex that the messages and products and

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Simplicity – Simply the right answer…

August 4, 2008

I heard this phrase the other day, Crisis Forces Innovation, and it really stuck a chord with me.  Let me say that in all my experience with individuals, organizations and business in general, this is very true.  It isn’t until someone has their back against the wall do they become the most creative or innovative

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Crisis FORCES Innovation…

July 31, 2008

Since I live in “Starbucks land” and “Microsoft land” there doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by where there isn’t some article on Starbucks in the papers.  The latest is on the extensive layoffs this year and next year and the store closings all over the country – or should I say the world! 

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Starbucks – a lesson we can all learn from…

July 28, 2008

No real blog posting today – it is my anniversary – YEA!! What a great time to reflect on relationships and what is important in life. We talk about building “Trusted, Loyal Relationships” in everything we do since it is the only thing at the end of the day that really gives you true, lasting

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A day off…

July 27, 2008

Well, I am down in the Bay Area for some soccer with my daughter and some vacation for a couple days of vacation with my wife.  As usual, it is hard to go anywhere or do anything without seeing what experience you are getting and how they compare to what you expect – just a

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Experiences are everywhere – especially on vacation!