June 9, 2008

I just read a very interesting article in the Deloitte Review (Deloitte Review is a semi-annual publication of selected articles they believe are important to their clients and potential clients) that gives a great deal of support to what we have been saying for years – building TRUST and LOYALTY with your customers is key

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TRUST and LOYALTY – Maybe organizations are finally getting it?

June 2, 2008

For the past number of years we have been talking about how everything needs to start with the Customer in mind and that if they aren’t considered in everything you do, you are missing the point.  After all, our favorite phrase is, “How can you ignore the primary group that ‘writes you checks’ when trying

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“Executable” Strategy is the clear “Winner”

May 27, 2008

I just read an article and felt compelled to share some thoughts about it since it was using some new “language” to describe some well known problems with management.  The article was titled, “Culture Shift: The Causes and Cures of Collective Amnesia” and was written by Paul Levesque.  It was posted on the Manage Smarter

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Collective Amnesia “forgets” about the Customer

April 29, 2008

In my travels and meetings with company executives one thing has been standing out in the majority of these discussions.  I’m being asked, “Why is it that everyone in my industry is starting to look and act the same and the customer is seeing us as one big non-differentiated group of companies?”  What does this mean? 

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Sometimes “Shock Therapy” is the last resort…

April 22, 2008

Carly Fiorina, a household name in the business world, was a guest speaker at Seattle Pacific University’s annual breakfast meeting in Seattle last week.  There is no question she is one of the more controversial people in business today and was the center of attention for several years during her demise at HP.  But, whether

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Carly Fiorina got it right…

April 5, 2008

I just recently released an article, “Marry Your Customer – Creating Trusted, Loyal Relationships,” on our website, www.customerexperiencesinc.com, to share some thinking I have had for quite a while.  It also supports what I have been seeing in various client situations and since it is so “simple yet powerful,” I wanted to share my thinking

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“Marry Your Customer” – Well, sort of…