November 30, 2007

The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce presented the Eastside Economic Forecast Breakfast November 15th at the Meydenbauer Center. The breakfast was well-attended with several hundred present. Chris Falco, the Chairman of the Bellevue Chamber led off, followed by presentations by: Joseph Quinlan -Chief Market Strategist of Bank of America Capital Management Kristina Erickson Hudson- Business Development

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Eastside Economic Forecast

November 30, 2007

Just a note to let everyone know about the upcoming MIT Enterprise Forum on December 5, 2007 at the Bellevue Hyatt Hotel.  An excerpt of the announcement follows: Playing Games—Serious Business: Building and Fostering Player Communities, the Ultimate Customer Base

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MIT Enterprise Forum: Video Games

November 15, 2007

Here’s a Best Practice for you: try networking on  For some unknown reason, probably divinely inspired, I received two emails today from people that wanted me to join their network.  I started a profile months ago, but as a result of todays email I put a little more effort into it.  I even uploaded my photo…. and then

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Best Practices – Rants and Raves

November 14, 2007

I have recently been introduced to the entire E-Myth philosophy and way of thinking by some colleagues and wanted to share some thoughts and comments about it.  After reading through their book, “The E-Myth Revisited:  Why most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It” by Michael E. Gerber, I quickly saw some

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Taking E-Myth Thinking to a Higher Level with Promises

November 7, 2007

Today I was browsing a website that lists member requests for assistance with various business issues.  I have never really taken the time to look at what type of requests are on the list, but for some reason, I was curious today.  It was laden with the usual requests for IT system selection help, recommendations

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Oxymoron: Comprehensive Sales and Marketing Plans (Comprehensive?)

November 6, 2007

Heads up to anyone that’s considering a Business Alliance.  There’s an upcoming seminar this Wednesday, November 7 at the Columbia Tower Club. Customer Experiences Inc. is currently examining several business partner relationships that will enable us to leverage and rapidly deploy our simple, powerful approach we call our Promises Architecture ™. I will be attending the

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Business Alliances – Upcoming Seminar