We’re excited to announce our partnership with Moss Adams LLP Strategic Planning group to assist with The Business Navigator (sm) approach to conducting comprehensive planning for enterprise success.
...November 2, 2007
Stories and Posts to help you become a “REMARK”able™ organization
November 2, 2007
We’re excited to announce our partnership with Moss Adams LLP Strategic Planning group to assist with The Business Navigator (sm) approach to conducting comprehensive planning for enterprise success.
October 30, 2007
The other day, I was interviewing a group of people from a customer of our client. We routinely ask about Promises our client has made, and whether keep those Promises are kept in the course of their relationship – it’s part of our approach. And an interesting question came up that I thought was compelling enough to …
October 25, 2007
It’s midnight, and I’m wrapping up a few edits on a proposal for a Promise-Driven Strategy. The company is interesting and unique, as they all are, but this one is a little more so. Necessarily, it forced us to think about how best to adapt our Promises-Driven approach to the situation. Call me a geek …
October 23, 2007
So what about Business Missions? While it’s popular these days for CEO’s to have the “Mission Statement” hanging in the lobby and lunch room, few businesses actually LIVE their Mission Statements. It’s hard to do! No matter how well-crafted the Mission Statement is, it is extraordinarily difficult to get an entire Organization aligned with such a …
October 18, 2007
I am really bothered these days by the word PROMISES – not by the definition or the word but by how it is being used or misused in business today. Let me explain. How many of you, like me, have been promised something from another business (products or services) and then just have this promise …
October 17, 2007
I bet many have experienced this. A company makes a correction to a bill, in this case it was a cell-phone bill — and at the end they tell you that this was a concession or a favor instead of admitting the error and calling it just that. In the end you may get what you want, …
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