This is crazy. I just spent an hour listening to yet another presentation from a so-called expert on social media and how you can make it work inside your company. They missed it…as most do.
Sure, there was a lot of great content about the “tools” of social media and how you can use them to execute a “strategy” that you have just built. Sounds good, right? Most would say yes to this description about what you should do. But if you are a regular reader of my blog…I hope you would have said NO, they missed it.
They forgot about the CUSTOMER!
This presentation was nothing more than “interruption, push media” disguised as being social and interactive because they were using the right tools with a strategy. They dressed the wolf up in lambs clothing…
Not once did I hear “what would your customer want to talk about and share” on your social channels…such as a totally awesome experience. It was all about “here is the content you would push out to your audience on these really great social channels.” This is still “PUSH MARKETING” and “INTERRUPTION MARKETING” regardless of what vehicle you use to distribute it in. It isn’t what social media was designed to do…nor is it what your customer wants from you. Content is NOT the answer.
Don’t get misled by “experts in social media” when it comes to social media strategies. At the end of the day, if it isn’t something your customer is wildly excited about…it won’t get talked about. It won’t get re-tweeted, favorite, shared, and least of all, it won’t drive Word-of-Mouth. It will die right after it is sent. It will just be another piece of interruption marketing material pushed out through new channels…same story, different verse.