I thought I would take a bit of a break today and share some humor with you. But first a little background…
As most of my readers know, I believe “Social Media” is here and just beginning to make its impact on businesses. I didn’t say “Social Networking,” I said “Social Media.” There is a difference. I won’t go into the differences today but save that for another blog entry. Suffice it so say, Social Media is in its infancy and something if you aren’t paying attention to you should.
With that as a backdrop, Fast Company Magazine recently released its “Top Ten Worst Social Networking Sites” for all of us to enjoy. I encourage you to watch all of them and see what Americans (and others) are spending their time doing at nights and weekends. This is amazing – and these were just their Top Ten. There are thousands of these kind of sites out there – just be careful you don’t “step in” one of them – you might have to clean your keyboard. 🙂 Enjoy…