I just got back from attending a great breakfast (and not just the food) with some of Seattle and Bellevue’s most prominent and influential people. The breakfast was hosted by Eastside Business Roundtable and I was invited by Jim Frank of Human Capital Resources – thanks Jim.
The event featured the CEO of Seattle Children’s Hospital, Tom Hansen. He gave a great speech on what is new at Children’s and how the economy has affected them as well as everyone else. Since Tom focuses on pre-mature babies in his own research, he gave some fascinating statistics and comments about these infants – such as the fact it costs about $1M per baby in health care when they are in the hospital as a premature infant – wow.
I applaud the group for getting together on a regular basis and bringing in relevant, thought provoking speakers to share new and interesting ideas with some key business leaders from around our area. I personally had the opportunity to meet Donna Shirey, from Shirey Contracting – delightful lady with a very interesting business. I would encourage you to check them out if you are doing anything with a house remodel or construction. I also got to see Fred Burnstead, of Burnstead Construction. I know both of Fred’s kids, Rick and Steve, and had the pleasure of coaching their boys in baseball and basketball when they were growing up – wonderful family.
So if you want to join a group that knows what’s going on in the area, contact Jim Frank and ask him how to get connected. If nothing else, they serve a great breakfast…